Tuesday, May 13, 2008


It is said that when you are alone with yourself, you try to do a reacap of your actitivites of past and then keep thinking as to why you did that, or what would have happened if you had not done that etc. etc.
Being alone, also allows to you to think of new ways of doing things.
Everything is under your control and it is your mind which goes here and there , keeps searching for solutions to problems or explanations for the the actions you have taken in the past, and in the process, try to justify each and every action.
Positive thoughts always helps you in life and this is also my philosophy in life
Whenever a negative comes to my mind I always question and ask :-
" Who allowed you to enter my mind ? "
"Did you take my permission ?"
"You have no right to be in this place and therefore the sooner you get out of this place the better it would be "