Tuesday, January 7, 2020


When you view the series of events that you call life, the only time you need/want help coping with then is when they're undesirable.

A lot of us simply can't comprehend while we're enduring a vicious storm that it will certainly be followed up by a warm sunny day.

The truth of the matter remains; if you stay rigid despite the howling winds of times you will be the one still standing when they subside.

Not only to survive another day but to appreciate and inspire those who lack your fight & fortitude. In short, look at what is hindering your happiness and remember: this too shall pass.

Friday, November 2, 2018


The mind plays a havoc. Mostly, the severity of the issues which we worry about is not so severe in reality. When we don't find a solution to our imaginary problems, it becomes more complex. A situation which doesn't even exists occupies a lot of our mind space and kills our time too. There is no remedy to a problem which is non-existent. As such, the time spent on finding a solution actually exaggerate the size of the problem. The only way to handle such a situation is to take your mind off it. The only way to kill the disturbing thought is to starve it of your attention. The mind is the cause as well as the solution

Tuesday, October 30, 2018


Money is the only variable you will have in life. It might take some time but you will get rich one day for sure. So, the important thing is to focus on other things in life; like health, relationships, learning, and self-development. The function of money is to give you mental comfort as a major part of your wealth will remain unused. On the contrary, if you look for peace, happiness, and self-development, it will pay rich dividends every day of your life. Today, the uncertainty of money may make you insecure but tomorrow the value of happiness and peace will be valued much more

Monday, October 29, 2018


Life is anything but predictable. We keep on trying to control the events and secure our future. Still, the outcome could be very different. Yes, what we do today definitely makes an impact on tomorrows. Still, the results could surprise us. Sometimes, they are better than expected. Sometimes, it's nowhere near what we hoped. It is because, many times, our expectations are not aligned with our own action and we simply pray for things to fall in place. Also, a part of our life is dependent upon other people's action and behavior which we can't control. We know we can't fix tomorrows. Still, we spend a major part of life trying to do exactly that.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

We have everything but independence. Living in a free country or having power, wealth, position and respect is in no way a proof of freedom. When we fake our personality for some shallow appreciation, when we support the company we work for in public though we are privy to its misconduct, when we speak in favor of those whom we are fundamentally against just because we derive some personal benefit, we compromise our freedom. The modern society is the ruler and we all are its slave and the paradox is; no one is aware and no one is complaining

Saturday, October 27, 2018


I was not sure I wanted to be self-dependent or rely on the outside world. From cleaning my room to cooking food; from coding my website to booking my travel tickets; from learning my own dance moves to fixing the faulty cabinet; there was so much to do. When I tried to do it all by myself, I was short on time and expertise. When I relied on others, many a time the results were not as per my expectations. Over time, I decided to focus on a few things in which I can be the world's best and leave everything else to others. I think being the best in something is the best use of life

Friday, October 26, 2018


Harness the power of the mind. It can change crisis into opportunity in a matter of seconds. Avail the strength of focus. It can make a huge task look a boy's day out. Preserve the calmness of humility. It can win you respect from the whole world. Believe in the effectiveness of discipline. It makes impossible very much doable. Surrender to the beats of your heart. It will fill your life with love. Respect the voice of your soul. It will ensure that you always walk on the right track